“Lacking of Money” Fear

What exactly is our relationship with money? Do we really want to earn money to fulfill our desires or do we work so hard because of our fears? What is the effect of money on solving problems?

It is natural that we always want to have better and more. In this case, we see money as a tool to achieve our desires. We think that the more money we have, the more pleasure we can achieve. This is partially true. However, we forget that: The pleasant times we create thanks to money actually do not offer solutions to our problems in our lives. We only keep busy and entertain ourselves in the short term.

Moreover, in this case, we tend to want more and more: more enjoyment, more pleasure, more comfort, more prosperity, more security… This is what drives us to work “more”. We hope to soothe our souls by earning more. However, this calming never happens. This psychology can be found in everyone, from the poorest to the richest in the world.

In fact, many rich people get rich because of their fear, not their desire.

As the world’s population ages and more people move closer to retirement, fear is reported to be more about money. Fifty percent of those who were afraid, stated that they were afraid of running out of money in their “golden years”. These people continue to live in fear of lack of money in their daily lives. Millions of them even suffer from insomnia with anxiety disorders. They hope that working and earning relieves them of their worries, but the opposite happens. As they earn more, their fear of being broke grows. So, these people are trapped in a cycle. They are possessed by worries of lack of money. However, they don’t admit it. They try to believe they are getting better.

Believing that earning more will save them from fear of poverty, people start hoarding money. They aim to get richer when they are rich, stack more as they stack, and save more as they save. This is an absolutely unhealthy psychology. And, it gets worse and worse. The more they increase their work and earnings, the more their anxiety increases. They are afraid of losing all their savings. The decline in their standards, well-being, or socioeconomic status has become more frightening for them.

We can find this type of person all over the world. These people believe that they can solve all their problems simply by earning more. The main thing is to see the fallacy of this belief. Because actually not all problems can be solved with money nor wealth is enough for a good life.

Here we can talk more briefly about another group of people. “Money is none of my business.” those who say. This group is those who run away from money. However, they still cannot stop themselves from working. Because these people are not those who do not care about money, but those who deny the importance of money. In fact, this psychology can be worse than having a fear of lack of money.

So what to do?

Our emotions are what make us who we are. Our emotions make us real. We have to face our feelings. We shouldn’t suppress or ignore them. Instead, we must observe, explore, understand, and resolve our anxieties. If we know how to direct our emotions, we will make our lives more livable. Obviously, what shapes our thoughts is basically our emotions. Ultimately, we must learn to use our emotions and thoughts for our own benefit.

You can also read SEIZE THE POWER OF MONEY if you are interested in. 

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